Archive for March, 2010

Wedcap: Prettifying for the Big Event

Posted in Recaps with tags , , , , on Sunday, March 21, 2010 by nightmarewedding

I barely slept the night before our wedding. While our bed was incredibly comfortable and I dozed off pretty early in the night, I found myself wide awake at 3AM. I couldn’t get back to sleep. Not wanting to wake Lenore up (she was sleeping next to me), I just laid there in the dark and tried to shut my eyes. They stayed open. I took my iPhone out and passed the time on Twitter, tweeting about my lack of sleep. Thankfully, a few familiar faces from my wedding-buddies circle were also up at that ungodly hour and I was able to chat with people who have gone through the pre-wedding jitters before.

At 4AM, Lenore got up to go to the washroom. When she got back, she noticed that I was still wide-awake. Bless her little heart, my MOH, who was still clearly half-asleep, stayed awake to keep me company. We talked about our cats and the bands we used to listen to when we were younger. We laughed at old memories of crazy shenanigans that we got ourselves into in our decade-long friendship and cracked some jokes about how lame we were being, reminiscing about them on the night before my wedding. It was fun. I highly recommend that brides have a girly sleepover before their wedding to calm their nerves.

By 5AM, the dozing off Lenore offered to make me some tea to help me sleep. I accepted her offer and the tea worked like a charm… well… almost. While I was finally about to fall asleep, my bladder began to protest. Tea may be calming, but it’s also an excellent tool for cleansing your bladder. I must have gotten up six times to pee in a span of two hours. Next thing I knew, it was 7:30AM, the sun was rising and my hair/makeup artist friendor Jenni Evil was sending me text messages informing me that she was on her way to the hotel. So much for sleep!

By 8:30AM, the hotel room was buzzing with activity. Scott and Ramona arrived bearing wonderful gifts of Tim Hortons breakfast bagels and coffee. Our wonderful photographer, Calla Evans, her assistant, and our videographer Mark Zanin arrived shortly after to document the prep. Jenni already had my hair in curlers and I looked like a middle-aged angry asian stereotype.

The rest of the morning flew. With everyone running around, I barely had time to really sit down and take in the whole concept of getting married in just a few hours. While I was physically exhausted from the whole week, I just fed off everyone’s energy and went crazy with it. I probably talked everyones ears off (sorry guys!).

I spent a lot of time distracting myself on Twitter. I got plenty of lovely messages from friends sending well-wishes and reminding me to relax.

Once my hair and makeup was done, it was time to get into the dress. My friendor and dress-designer Ashley of Provocouture Studios was on site to help me into the corset. Once the dress was on, that was when it finally hit me: I was getting married in less than an hour.

Let the show begin!

More photos from the bride’s room during prep time:

These beautiful curls only lasted for all of twenty minutes. My hair likes to protest against curls much to Jenni Evil’s dismay.

These series of “prettifying” photos of Lenore always makes me giggle.  🙂